Urban and Regional Transport 

Urban and Regional Transport is a monthly comprehensively addressing transport problems in cities of all sizes. It presents and disseminates the latest views of specialists as well as domestic and foreign technical and organizational solutions.

The issues discussed in the monthly cover all areas of urban transport, including:

  • transport management in cities and regions,
  • traffic organization and management,
  • collective transport management,
  • changes in legal regulations,
  • technical and organizational solutions aimed at improving road safety.

A special place is occupied by the subject of the weakest road users, i.e. pedestrians, including disabled people and cyclists, as well as environmental protection against the negative impact of transport.

Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Komunikacji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej
ul. Czackiego 3/5, 00-043 Warszawa

Editorial address:
ul. Siostrzana 11, 30-804 Kraków

tel./fax 12 658 93 74
e-mail: tmir@sitkrp.org.pl
www: https://tmir.sitk.org.pl Translated by Google