To participate in the competition, please submit works that were defended in the period from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 and meet the requirements of the Competition Regulations. Please be advised that by the decision of the Branch Board, we accept papers or electronic versions.
The job application should include:
- Printed copy of the diploma thesis or – pdf file (electronic application)
- Application containing data:
- name and surname, e-mail address of the author
- the name of the university, department
- thesis title
- defense date
- promoter’s name and surname
- Scan of the page containing the evaluation of the work – applies to electronic works.
- Opinion on the diploma thesis of the Supervisor, Manager or Dean.
Diploma theses (printed) with the documentation referred to in points 2 and 4 should be submitted to the SITK RP Branch Office in Krakow, ul. Siostrzana Street 11 (Mon-Fri) 8-16.
Electronic works with the documentation referred to in points 2, 3 and 4 should be sent to the e-mail address The deadline for submitting works is March 15, 2023.
Submitted diploma theses, in accordance with the Regulations, will be evaluated by the Competition Jury and after the Jury’s work is completed, printed diploma theses will be returned to the university.
We plan to conclude the competition and award the prizes funded by SITK and Zakłady Pracy on May 29, 2023.
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