The history of the railway crane 

The Association of Engineers and Technicians of Communication of the Republic of Poland deals with the promotion of the latest knowledge, creating new trends, popularizing new technologies and all innovations in the field of broadly understood transport, also in the field of railways. At the same time, it does not forget about the rich history of transport and its witnesses – monuments of transport technology. The protection of these monuments is one of the important tasks carried out by the Association. Continue reading

Oil paintings by Marek Błeszyński – 175 years of railways in Krakow 

Two oil paintings by Marek Błeszyński were created to mark the solemn celebration of the 175th anniversary of the launch of the first railway line from Krakow. The first shows the train at the time passing through the Krzeszowice station, and the second is an impression emphasizing the last moment in the fight against Krakow air polution. The images can be viewed in the room at the seat of the Krakow Branch of SITK RP at ul. Siostrzana 11. Attached, two miniatures.

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(Polski) Walne Zebranie Sprawozdawczo-Wyborcze Członków Oddziału SITK RP w Krakowie w dniu 21 marca 2022 roku

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(Polski) Sprawozdanie z Walnego Zebrania Sprawozdawczego Członków Oddziału SITK RP w Krakowie za rok 2019

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