Please be advised that we have extended the deadline for accepting diploma theses to participate in the Competition for the best 1st and 2nd degree diploma theses in the field of transport for graduates of Krakow universities until March 31, 2021.
Please be advised that by the decision of the Branch Board, we also accept works in electronic form. Electronic submission of work should include:
- a copy of the diploma thesis – a pdf file,
- name of the university, department,
- surname, first name and email of the author,
- thesis title,
- surname, first name and email of the promoter,
- defense date,
- scan of the page containing the evaluation of the work,
- a scan of the promoter’s opinion (the original opinion should be delivered to the branch office).
The works should be submitted to the SITK RP Branch Office in Krakow, ul. Siostrzana 11 Monday from 8 am – 06.00 pm, Tuesday-Friday from 8 am – 4 pm or by email at
If you have additional questions, please contact the branch office.