The Ordinary General Meeting of Members of the SITK RP Branch in Kraków was held on March 20, 2023 at the Kolejarza Culture House, ul. St. Filipa 6 in Krakow. The meeting began on the second date at 16.10. The meeting was attended by a total of 93 people, including 81 members of the Branch and 12 invited guests. Starting the General Meeting, President Józefa Majerczak warmly welcomed all the members of the Branch and invited guests. The meeting was honored by the presence of:
- Łukasz Kmita – Voivode of Lesser Poland,
- Jacek Paś – President of the Association of Engineers and Technicians of Communication of the Republic of Poland,
- prof. Wiesław Starowicz – Honorary President of SITK RP,
- Mariusz Szałkowski – Vice-President for statutory activities of SITK RP, Honorary Member,
- Beata Toporska – member of the National Board of SITK RP for supervision over road investments,
- Honorary Members of SITK: Marek Błeszyński, Jerzy Hydzik, Andrzej Kollbek, Janina Mrowińska, Anna Reszczyk, Mariusz Szałkowski, Kazimierz Żurowski.
- prof. Kazimierz Flaga – Cracow University of Technology,
- prof. Andrzej Rudnicki – Cracow University of Technology,
- prof. Michał Strach – AGH University of Science and Technology,
- Jerzy Jakimowicz – President of the SITK RP Branch in Katowice,
- Jan Żakowski – representative of the Chairman and the Council of the Małopolska Regional Chamber of Civil Engineers,
- Stanisław Karczmarczyk – Vice-chairman of the Council of the Małopolska Regional Chamber of Civil Engineers,
- Andrzej M. Kucharski – President of the Board of the Krakow Council of FSNT NOT,
- Beata Kałkowska – Director of the Office of the Krakow Council of the FSNT NOT,
- Beata Śliwa – Director of the School Complex No. 1 in Krakow,
- Małgorzata Boryczko – Poviat Construction Supervision Inspector – Grodzki Poviat,
- Małgorzata Duma-Michalik – President of the Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians Branch in Krakow,
- Maciej Gruszczyński – Chairman of the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians, Małopolska Branch in Krakow,
- Marek Kaszyński – President of the Association of Polish Architects, Branch in Krakow,
- Mateusz Wanat – Director of the Southern Region of the Investment Implementation Center of PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.,
- Piotr Grawicz – Deputy Director of the Southern Region of the Investment Implementation Center of PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.,
- Łukasz Kwapień – Project Director of the Southern Region of the Investment Implementation Center of PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.,
- Kazimierz Mazur – Commander of the Regional Headquarters of the Railway Protection Guard in Krakow, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.,
- Franciszek Florek – Deputy Commander of the Regional Headquarters of the Railway Protection Guard in Krakow, PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.,
- Antoni Szczepka – Vice President of the Management Board of Zakłady Usługowe Południe Sp. z o. o.
Mrs. President, welcoming the participants of the meeting, gave a particularly warm welcome to Mr. Łukasz Kmita, Voivode of Lesser Poland and the President of our Association – Dr. Eng. Jacek Pasia, who honored the General Meeting of the Branch with his presence. She also welcomed all present members and chairmen of clubs, guests and representatives of companies and organizations that cooperate with us, thanking them for their commitment and support. She stated that through this cooperation we build each other.
Mrs. President, opening the meeting, in the foreword gave her reflections on the passing year, which was rich in technical, scientific and technical and integration events. She emphasized that the emerging difficulties and obstacles, such as the pandemic or the difficult situation caused by the war in Ukraine, not only did not weaken the activity of the Branch, but even strengthened it. We are constantly looking for solutions, ways to continue our activities in new, sometimes difficult conditions and look for new areas, new challenges, to the benefit of the members of the Association and our transport environment.
In the next part of the meeting, the President asked the gathered to stand up and commemorate the memory of colleague Emil Onderka, who died in 2022, with a moment of silence.
In order to continue the proceedings, the Presidium of the Meeting was elected in the following composition: Mariusz Szałkowski – Chairman, Marek Błeszyński – Deputy Chairman and Danuta Schwertner – Secretary. The meeting was recorded by the Secretary of the Meeting Danuta Schwertner, additionally the meeting was recorded by Joanna Czubasiewicz-Pająk. After the election, Mariusz Szałkowski, Chairman of the Presidium, took over the meeting and thanked for the choice and promised efficient work of the Presidium. The meeting, by open vote, unanimously approved the agenda and the rules of procedure. The Chairman informed that in the materials received by the participants of the Meeting there is a Guidebook no 1/2023 (containing, among others, the Report on the activities of the Branch Management Board containing the financial statements for 2022), agenda and rules of procedure, as well as small gadgets and gifts. The latest publications of the Branch and the latest issues of the Transport Miejski i Regionalny magazine were also prepared for the participants. The photographic service of the General Meeting was provided by Tomasz Filiciak from the Circle at PNUIK in Kraków Sp. z o. o.
In the first part of the meeting, meritorious members of the Branch were awarded with association awards.
Gold and Diamond Honorary SITK Badges were awarded to:
- Sabina Puławska-Obiedowska – Koło przy Politechnice Krakowskiej,
- Jan Friedberg – Koło Grodzkie.
Golden Honorary SITK Badges were awarded to:
- Franciszek Kostrzewa – Krakowskie Koło Kolejarzy,
- Antoni Szczepka – Krakowskie Koło Kolejarzy.
The ceremony of awarding the Golden with Diamond and Golden Honorary Badges of SITK was performed by the President of SITK RP, Jacek Paś, together with the Honorary President of SITK RP, prof. Wiesław Starowicz.
SITK Silver Honorary Badges were awarded to:
- Wojciech Długosz – Koło w PNUIK Kraków,
- Janusz Alberski – Koło w PNUIK Kraków,
- Anna Rajca – Koło w Zespole Szkół nr 1 w Krakowie,
- Katarzyna Trzaska-Rycaj – Koło w Zespole Szkół nr 1 w Krakowie,
- Marcin Hałuszczak – Koło w GDDKiA Oddział Kraków,
- Dawid Siemieński – Koło Grodzkie,
- Jan Macała – Koło w MPK S.A. w Krakowie,
- Grażyna Kadula – Koło w ZUE S.A.
The ceremony of awarding the SITK Silver Honorary Badges was made by the President of the SITK Branch, Józefa Majerczak, and Grzegorz Dyrkacz – the 1st Vice-President of the SITK RP Branch in Kraków.
During the meeting, the “Golden Dragon” statuettes were also presented to the following persons by the Branch Board:
- Sabina Puławska-Obiedowska – in recognition of the merits for the exemplary development of the SITK Club at the Cracow University of Technology and the promotion of the Association’s activities,
- prof. Andrzej Rudnicki -for kindness and long-term scientific support of events organized by SITK RP Branch in Krakow,
- Mariusz Szałkowski – for commitment, many years of dedicated and diligent work for the Association and building its rank in the community.
“Golden Dragons” were presented by the Honorary President prof. Wiesław Starowicz and the President of the Branch, Józefa Majerczak.
In the last part of this point of the meeting, Col. Marek Błeszyński, traditionally, handed over the caricatures of his authorship to the distinguished members. The recipients were: Beata Blak, Andrzej Kolbek, Michał Patla and Beata Śliwa.
President Józefa Majerczak together with the 1st Deputy Grzegorz Dyrkacz and the Vice-President Zbigniew Marzec handed ID cards to the newly admitted members of the Branch who were present at the meeting, wishing them satisfaction and joy from their activities in the Association. Our new members are:
- Michał Strach – Koło przy Politechnice Krakowskiej,
- Dariusz Noworyta – Koło przy Politechnice Krakowskiej,
- Witold Hanasiewicz – Koło w PNUIK,
- Franciszek Florek – Krakowskie Koło Kolejarzy,
- Marcin Bołoz – Krakowskie Koło Kolejarzy,
- Monika Pardela – Krakowskie Koło Kolejarzy,
- Jacek Kulig – Krakowskie Koło Kolejarzy,
- Przemysław Nowak – Koło przy Politechnice Krakowskiej,
- Jakub Polak – Koło przy Politechnice Krakowskiej,
- Bartłomiej Bańdur – Krakowskie Koło Kolejarzy.
The new members also received the Branch’s Monograph for the years 2006-2016 entitled “The Past for the Future”. The gathered received the new members of the Branch with thunderous applause.
After presenting the association’s decorations and ID cards to the new members, the Chairman of the Meeting gave the floor to the invited guests, representatives of friendly associations and institutions. The following spoke: Jan Żakowski – representative of the Chairman and Council of MOIIB in Krakow, Jacek Paś – President of SITK RP, Małgorzata Duma-Michalik – President of the Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians Branch in Krakow and Andrzej M. Kucharski – President of the Management Board of FSNT NOT in Krakow. Congratulating the achievements made last year, they sent wishes for fruitful deliberations, many successes for the Branch in the future, and due to the name day of Mrs. Józefa Majerczak, President, they sent her heartfelt wishes along with bouquets of spring flowers. During the speeches of the guests, Mr. Łukasz Kmita – the Voivode of Lesser Poland – came to the meeting. Mr. Voivod gave President Józefa Majerczak his name day wishes, wishing many reasons to smile, good cooperation and a lot of support from colleagues from the Association, as well as further successful railway conferences. Mr. Voivode presented Mrs. President with a bouquet of flowers, and his speech, like the speeches of previous guests, was received with thunderous applause. In this part of the meeting, the Chairman of the Presidium, Mariusz Szałkowski, on behalf of the Branch Board and all members, handed over to Mrs. Józefa Majerczak, President, thanks for the year-long work, effort and commitment in running our Branch, then he wished him a birthday greeting by handing over a bouquet of flowers. To the sounds of Marek Błeszyński’s guitar, Mrs. President’s thunderous “Sto lat” was sung. A beautiful rose and wishes were also given to the birthday boy present in the hall – Józef Rotter.
Following the meeting, the state awards ceremony took place. The President of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Andrzej Duda, honored distinguished members of SITK RP Branch in Krakow with state decorations. The ceremony of awarding decorations on behalf of the President of the Republic of Poland was performed by Mr. Łukasz Kmita – Voivode of Lesser Poland. The gathered people stood up, and Mr. Voivode proceeded to decorate. The chairman of the meeting read out the information that pursuant to Art. 138 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Act on orders and decorations, by order of the President of the Republic of Poland, at the request of the Małopolska Voivode, the following were awarded:
- for outstanding merits for the development of Polish railway infrastructure, for organizational and social activity – Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta – Józefa Majerczak,
- for merits in social activities, for contribution to the development of transport:
- Golden Cross of Merit – Zbigniew Marzec i Janina Mrowińska,
- Silver Cross of Merit – Sergiusz Lisowski.
Mr. Voivode handed out decorations and congratulated, and the gathered awarded the awarded with applause. All members honored with state and association awards were presented with beautiful red roses.
In the next part of the meeting, the President of the Branch, Józefa Majerczak, submitted the Report of the Management Board of the SITK RP Branch in Kraków on the activities in 2022, containing the financial statements for 2022. She presented it in the form of a multimedia presentation, discussing the implementation of the Branch’s tasks in all areas of its activity in 2022. President Józefa Majerczak reminded that 2022 was announced in the Branch as the Year of the Honorary President of the Branch Marian Szeliński on the 100th anniversary of his birth. In this way, we express respect for those who came before us and built the importance and rank of the Branch. The presentation of the President showed in a cross-sectional way all the achievements of the Branch and its members in 2022. Thanks to the involvement and activity of the circles, members and authorities of the Branch, many interesting and important events were efficiently organized and implemented, and new, interesting forms of activity appeared. The rank of the achievements of the Branch is evidenced by the highest awards in the Association granted to the Branch, Circles and members in the last year – Ernest statuettes and decorations. In the presented report, Mrs. President at the beginning presented data on the structure of the Branch’s members in various sections, as well as data on the Circles operating in the Branch. She informed that the composition of the Branch authorities in 2022 has not changed. She presented important events that were organized last year, one of them was the General Reporting and Election Meeting of the Branch Members, during which the Branch’s authorities were elected for the next term. The presentation also included information about decorations, distinctions and awards received by members of the Branch for activity, commitment and achievements in 2022. All types of activities of the Branch using the staff and authority of the Krakow community were indicated, and the expert activity of the members of the Branch was presented. The data on the organized scientific and technical conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures, as well as the publishing and publishing activities of the Branch, were impressive. An important sphere of activity of the Branch is also appraisal and training activities. The branch also undertakes activities aimed at its members – meetings, trips, integration events were organised, and professional literature was made available free of charge. The branch tries to attract young members, e.g. by organizing each year a competition for the best diploma theses in the field of transport. The President presented the Branch’s undertakings aimed at creating a positive image of the Branch. There is also an activity documenting events organized by the clubs and the Branch (website, Chronicle, Informator, Facebook). The branch is also involved in charity work. We also do not forget to commemorate our members who have already left us, we make sure that their memory lasts. The President also emphasized that in 2022, investment works were continued in the Branch (installation of photovoltaics) as well as renovation and modernization works in the building and on the premises of the Branch, increasing the financial, technical and aesthetic value of our headquarters. While discussing the report on the activities of the Branch, the President also discussed the financial activity in 2022. The financial condition of the Branch is very good, and the financial liquidity is maintained.
The report of the Audit Committee was presented by Andrzej Kollbek, Chairman of the Committee. He read the opinion of the Committee on the statutory and economic activity and financial results of the SITK RP Branch in Kraków in 2022. Reading the opinion of the Audit Committee of Col. A. Kollbek, he presented the projects implemented in 2022 and the assessment of the financial results of the Branch’s work. The Committee decided that the following achievements of the Branch deserve special emphasis:
- organization of 5 conferences (including 4 cyclical ones), 4 seminars, 10 lectures (1346 participants in total),
- organization of 9 technical and integration trips, 1 course, 1 workshop and 5 integration meetings (participation of a total of 243 people),
- extensive publishing activity: publishing 3 books (conference materials), 1 publication on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the National Club of Lovers of History and Monuments of Transport and 3 Guides on the activities of our community,
- organization of the 49th edition of the competition for the University’s graduates for the best diploma theses in the field of transport (the great interest in the competition among students and university staff is evidenced by the submission of 29 works),
- active maintenance of an attractive website and its systematic updating,
- great commitment and effort of the Branch put into completing the renovation and technical works in the headquarters building (installation of photovoltaic panels, further development of the purchased plot and the entire surroundings of the building),
- obtaining the ERNESTA 2022 statuettes as a measure of recognition for the activities and activities of the members of the Branch.
The Commission has made its recommendations:
- further efforts to increase the role and mission of the collective expert (improving the efficiency of the Office of Experts).
- work on improving the profitability of contributions – in 2022 it is 84.28% (out of 12 club’s, four showed 100% profitability of contributions),
- continuing the organization of scientific and technical conferences, training courses, seminars and publishing activities.
At the end, the Chairman of the Audit Committee presented a positive assessment of the work of the Branch Management Board in 2022 and stated that in accordance with the Statute of SITK RP §54, the Audit Committee approves the Report on the Branch’s work in 2022 together with the financial statement. The Audit Committee submitted a motion for the adoption and approval of the Report on the Branch’s activities in 2022, including the Financial Statement, by the General Meeting. The Chairman of the Meeting read Resolution no 1/2023 of March 20, 2023 and put to an open vote by a simple majority of votes the motion of the Audit Committee to approve the Branch Report and the Financial Statement for 2022. The General Meeting unanimously adopted the above-mentioned a resolution.
The proposed directions of the Branch’s activities for 2023, as theses for discussion by the General Meeting, were presented in the form of a multimedia presentation on behalf of the Branch’s Management Board, Zbigniew Marzec – Vice-President for Railways. In his speech, he stated that the Branch plans to maintain the initiatives undertaken so far in all the previously discussed areas. In terms of statutory activities, it is planned to:
- organization of scientific and technical conferences,
- organization of one-day seminars presenting interesting solutions, interesting companies or interesting people,
- organization of cyclical one-day lectures presenting interesting topics and organization of workshops,
- preparation of expert opinions and opinions on request,
- popularizing the achievements of the Krakow community in SITK magazines,
- promoting the initiatives of the SITK National Board and the National Council and other SITK Branches in our environment,
- publishing book publications (conference materials, occasional publications and others),
- cooperation with the Małopolska Regional Chamber of Civil Engineers,
- organization of training and further education courses,
- securing funds for the statutory activities of the Branch (conference activities, activities of the Bureau of Expertise, course activities, sponsorship),
- creating a good image of SITK in the media,
- organization of competitions for the best 1st and 2nd degree diploma theses in the field of transport for universities in Krakow and other Universities, if the work concerns the subject of transport in the City of Krakow and Małopolska, as well as a competition for students of primary schools and first grades of secondary schools “Railway model – Safe railway, ecological, comfortable.
W zakresie działalności integrującej członków lub dla członków planuje się:
- regularne uaktualnianie witryny SITK Oddział w Krakowie w Internecie,
- organizowanie zebrań i spotkań,
- organizowanie imprez technicznych i nietechnicznych dla członków (wyjazdy techniczne i techniczno-integracyjne, wycieczki integracyjne, imprezy kulturalne),
- prowadzenie bieżących działań związanych z przynależnością do SITK (porządkowanie członkostwa, porządkowanie struktur podstawowych, zwiększanie opłacania składek).
In terms of cooperation with enterprises, companies operating in our environment and external contacts, the following are planned:
- cooperation with branches of other Associations and FSNT NOT,
- cooperation with other SITK RP Branches,
- cooperation with the editorial office of the Transport Miejski i Regionalny magazine,
- contacts with local governments,
- participation on behalf of SITK in the work of the Małopolska Regional Chamber of Civil Engineers, the Krakow Council of FSNT NOT, the Program Council for the Development of the Transport System of the City of Krakow at the Mayor of Krakow,
- participation of SITK representatives in the Krakow Development Strategy Council,
- participation in the work of the Task Force for the Integrated Air Quality Management System in Krakow,
- participation in the meetings of the Forum of Integrated Transport of the Krakow Metropolis organized by the Krakow Metropolis Association.
In terms of activities for the benefit of the community, the following are planned:
- participation in charity actions.
Vice-President Zbigniew Marzec informed that the Branch’s operating program for 2023 has already been partially implemented, the presented plan is still open, further proposals should be submitted. The Chairman of the Meeting read Resolution no 2/2023 of March 20, 2023 and put to an open vote by a simple majority of votes the acceptance of the Branch’s Action Program for 2023. The General Meeting, in an open vote, unanimously adopted the above-mentioned a resolution.
In the next part of the meeting, dr Kazimierz Mazur – Commander of the Regional Headquarters of the Railway Protection Guard of PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. gave the gathered presentation on: “A futuristic plan for order on the railway”.
In the last part of the meeting, President Józefa Majerczak spoke, thanking the Chairman of the Meeting for the efficient conduct of the meeting, Commander Kazimierz Mazur for an interesting presentation, and for the members of the Branch activity and great commitment to the initiatives undertaken by the Branch in 2022, as well as for time devoted to and participation in the General Meeting. The President gave special thanks to the Honorary President, prof. Wiesław Starowicz for his great commitment to the life of the Branch and the Association, constant support and assistance in all initiatives and undertakings undertaken by the Branch. She also thanked the Branch Office for the year-long, huge work performed with great commitment, conscientiousness and care for the well-being of the Branch and its members. The President also thanked all local government bodies, representatives of the city, province, universities, companies, institutions and partners who constantly support and help our Branch.
The chairman of the Presidium, Mariusz Szałkowski, thanked everyone for coming and participating in the meeting, thus closing the proceedings of the General Reporting Meeting of SITK RP Branch Members in Kraków for 2022. At the end, a joint, commemorative photo of all participants of the meeting – members of the Branch and invited guests was taken.
Elaboration: Danuta Schwertner
Secretary of the General Meeting Translated by Google