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Monthly Archives: Friday February 26th, 2016
Urban and Regional Transport – February 2016
Katarzyna Nosal: The rules for creating mobility plans for facilities and areas generating large traffic flows
Abstract: Large companies, shopping malls, hospitals, schools and separate areas of the city such as residential, industrial or business areas generate a large traffic volume, including trips made by a car. The consequences of this traffic include congestion, air pollution, noise, accidents, problems with parking – burdensome for employees, customers, students and residents of the areas. The implementation of the mobility plans can contribute to reduction of these problems. Mobility plans are used to change the transport behaviors towards reducing trips made by a car. The plans are implemented abroad on a large scale but in Poland they are still very innovative, rarely used measures. In order to popularize the knowledge of their realization the concept of the mobility plans, typical facilities and areas of implementation and benefits of their usage were presented in this article.
(Polski) Zebranie Sprawozdawcze Oddziału za rok 2015
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(Polski) Posiedzenie Zarządu Oddziału w dniu 08 lutego 2016r.
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(Polski) Posiedzenie Zarządu Oddziału w dniu 26 stycznia 2016r.
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(Polski) Wieloletni plan rozwoju zintegrowanego systemu transportowego miasta Katowice
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(Polski) Zebranie – 29 lutego 2016r.
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(Polski) Zebranie – 8 lutego 2016r.
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