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Monthly Archives: Tuesday January 31st, 2023
Competition for the best diploma theses
To participate in the competition, please submit works that were defended in the period from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 and meet the requirements of the Competition Regulations. Please be advised that by the decision of the Branch Board, we accept papers or electronic versions.
Meeting – February 20, 2023 online
The Association of Engineers and Technicians of Transportation of the Republic of Poland Branch in Krakow, the Senior Citizens Club and the Małopolska District Chamber of Civil Engineers in Krakow invite you to a lecture from the series: ABOUT BRIDGES BY RAILWAY, which will take place on February 7, 2023 at 16:00.
The rhythm of Samba
Meeting – January 23, 2023.
TMiR – November / December 2022
Katarzyna Mieszczak
Creating spatial development depending on the accessibility to public transport stops, on the example of the area of Górka Narodowa Zachód
Abstract: The article deals with the subject of spatial development planning, taking into account the accessibility of a given area to public transport stops. The presented example concerns the area of Górka Narodowa Zachód.
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