TMiR – February 2023 

Andrzej Krych

Peruvian railway construction (1850 – 1880). History, determinants and engineering environment

Abstract: The construction of the Trans-Andean Central Railway and the role of Ernest Adam Malinowski in this project have been overshadowed in our historical perception by the circumstances surrounding the creation and implementation of this project. The article illuminates the broad background, circumstances and process of the maturation and launch of the project – the Great Railway Project – paying particular attention to the formation of the engineering community in a specific geopolitical situation. In certain spheres, the Project was at the same time an engine for the modernization of the Peruvian state in a laissez-faire spirit. The project’s objective was the result of a clear diagnosis with a rather calculating and yet highly risky engineering of its financing. The macroeconomic situation, the financial crisis and the war have resulted with the collapse of the state and the interruption of the Project. As a result, economic results were recorded only after the business reconstruction of the Project, the political stabilization of the state and the confluence of favorable external conditions, which took several decades. It is left to the readers’ judgement how useful the historical matter of the article is in discussing our contemporary reality. All this history is an elementary part of the material heritage associated with the Central Trans-Andean Railway.

Key words: railway history, great engineering projects, Central Trans-Andean Railway, Ernest A. Malinowski

TMiR – JANUARY 2023 

Jakub Starczewski

Selected issues of shaping the cargo distribution system with the use of cargo bikes inside the urban agglomeration

Abstract: The article addresses the issue of improving the efficiency of cargo delivery in historic centers of large cities and agglomerations, using cargo bicycles. It is a description of selected issues falling within the scope of the author’s doctoral dissertation. The article presents a mathematical model of the delivery system, within which the following elements have been identified: the criterion for evaluating the system’s effectiveness, the model of demand for cargo delivery, the methods of vehicle routing and the methods of selecting the location of reloading points. All elements are characterized in later parts of the text.
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